A recent report showed that a large majority of companies suffer from company security breaches. The most common is stealing company confidential information, the breach of which can cost any company thousands of pounds. One of the main causes of this loss is the fact that it is easy for hackers to hide their activity, leaving their tracks untraceable. With all the benefits of data security, it is little wonder that so many businesses are failing to keep their data secure.
In order to avoid company security breaches, it is important that all employees and managers are aware of the signs of malicious activity. These include the ever-present “phishing” scams, where thieves post fake emails to try and obtain personal details. Phishing can be executed by sending spoof email to millions of people, tricking them into clicking on a link that then download malicious software onto their systems. These fake emails carry links to other websites where the hackers hope to steal more information. As well as the direct invasion of a person’s privacy, phishing attacks can cost company confidential data because these links send employees to potentially risky websites.
However, by teaching employees how to identify these phishing emails, you can prevent many company security breaches. The first step is to instruct all employees to report any suspicious emails they receive. Secondly, you should train staff in proper online security practices so that any suspicious email is quickly reported to the IT department. You should also monitor employee internet activity to ensure that they are not engaging in further cyber activities.
A comprehensive and effective cybercrime prevention and response strategy should be developed. This includes both an internal team and external teams to respond to company security breaches as well as an effort to educate employees on the prevention and response to cyber crime. It is very important to teach employees how to recognize and report cyber threats so that appropriate action can be taken to stop hackers from gaining access to company confidential data.
Company Security Breaches
In addition to the need to train employees on proper reporting procedures, companies also need to develop their own anti-virus softwares. These can be customized for each individual company or department, and they will have to meet the specific needs of each operation. However, the right anti-virus system will have a number of attributes. These include a robust and effective scanning engine, rapid updates to deal with new threats, the ability to block known malicious software, and the ability to provide users with the most reliable protection available.
Companies that want to prevent company security breaches should implement policies that instruct employees about the nature of their work and provide training on how to deal with different types of threats. Companies should also train their employees to avoid giving out company information or help in any way, as some hackers use social media to spread malware or make insecure contacts. Employees need to understand the dangers of using free resources such as messenger tools and chatting programs, and they need to follow the recommendations of their supervisors and managers to avoid exposing themselves to further security risks.
Prevention is always better than cure, and it is important to implement security measures even after an incident has taken place. Changes to an employee’s computer usage should be undertaken as soon as a problem has been identified. In addition, new or modified security procedures should be developed and reinforced. Businesses should also regularly review their security breach policies and procedures. By doing so, they can ensure that the threat has been fully assessed and can adjust their procedures accordingly. When changes are put into place, they will reduce the chances of employees divulging sensitive business information or stealing company assets.
Company security breach prevention training programs will teach employees how to spot warning signs of intrusions, how to thwart attacks on their systems, and how to report issues they notice. Employees will learn how to use logins and passwords on their systems to avoid detection and how to handle emails, instant messages, and IMs from outside sources. They will also learn how to quickly report suspicious activities and how to avoid putting confidential information in clear view on company equipment such as computers and fax machines. This type of training can help prevent employees from carrying out criminal activity which could lead to serious consequences for the company.
Tags: company security breaches, application, sensitive data, time, organization

Raymond Dunn is the founder and driving force behind Hackateer.com, a premier source for cybersecurity news and tutorials since 2009. With a mission to empower both novices and experts in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, Raymond has built Hackateer into a trusted platform renowned for its comprehensive industry insights, hands-on tutorials, and expert analysis.